Good Grades

The three schools-Elementary, Middle, and High-are like three levels of a game. The more you play and concentrate, the harder they get. Some struggle to remain in the B+ to A range. For some people, you can’t keep up with other students and end up redoing the whole grade-re-playing the level so that you can never quite catch up to your friends. The question is: How do you catch up to your friends? How do you earn good grades?

First: Root out all the easy subjects. Even people who don’t excel  their four core classes have some that are fairly simple. Take a look at you’re grades now. If you have a B to A range, that means that class is easier for you than others. It may not be the easiest thing ever-but it’s easy. In subjects you struggle with and hate, it is better to focus on them instead of other subjects. For example, a person is failing math but has a B in science. The person will be better off concentrating hard for an upcoming math test than if he has a science test on the same day.

Next: Concentration is essential. Clear everything off of the place you are working at. Keep only pencils, erasers, and any homework worksheets on your desk. Limit your apps on your iPad and do not have multiple screens on that can distract you. Work in a quiet spot to remain undisturbed and put on headphones if you are distracted from any noise. Be sure to have all the homework you are going to do today on your desk so you don’t waste time on taking them out. If you are studying, check out the teacher’s websites page and see if they have posted any helping links or extra practice.

Furthermore, time is important. If you lack sleep or have after school activities, you will need to plan ahead. There are some ways to do this without doing extra homework. Free weekend? Late start? Holiday? Bored out of your mind? Do some extra work. If it pains you, tell yourself you will have more time to study or have free time the next day. Getting ahead can give you more time to study and focus on the subjects you struggle at. Or, if you’re mind is burned out, sleep!

All in all, the steps to success can be taken easily. Like how every game has a trick to it, so does school. You may not like doing it now but remember: it all adds up in the end!

One thought on “Good Grades

  1. Wow! All these tips seem super helpful, I do admit – I am a bit of a procrastinator. I have started to get more organized this past year though. It’s slightly hard to keep up in like the most important core classes – you know? I mean, I was out sick for three days last week and BAM! I am totally slammed with piles of work. These tips will for sure help me!

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